Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fashion Digest With AURACOOL

Last Week Episode  Click

 Looking at this pic, I cannot help but shake my head with disgust. What incensed me more is the fact that the lady aint that young. Her breasts has sagged quite considerably and just that unsexy to even look at so why the outrageous display?. What was she thinking?If she was that young it could av been excused as one of those youthful exuberance thingies but hey she is just well into her thirties and is expected to command some reasonable sense of decency with her dress sense which she utterly lacked in this pic. The sheer stupidity heightened by this pic cannot just be over-emphasized.

FASHION VERDICT : AURACOOL says THUMBS DOWN and so seriously, a lot than just 30 hot lashes for this lady for her utter lack of respect for all that's feminine. Her choice of handbag evidently complimented the colors of her lips and most likely her shoes if it were shown but yet she damned it all with d brazen display. This is NOT just acceptable, totally , absolutely 

 This is yet another scandalous showing. Makes you begin to wonder if some women actually look at themselves in the mirror after dressing. I mean how could she feel comfy seeing her pants show off so shamefully like that?and then again the butts aint even sexy to look at which all but makes it much more annoying. The lady obviously isn't so young as evident in her features so this isn't just expected at all indeed.

FASHION VERDICT : AURACOOL says THUMBS DOWN for d wrong exposure of under garments. Aint nothing sexy about this one bit. As a matter of fact, this pic poses a serious question '' How much more stupid can some women be??'' If the lady in this pic couldn't answer this how could we even begin to attempt to try??

This lady clearly insulted the dignity of women with this outrageous outfit that left absolutely nothing to the imagination as to how she looks down to her thighs. What a disaster! What a shame! This is just the reason why some women should never be taken seriously when they try to assert their relevance. This pic is everything wrong with contemporary fashion and broadly emphasized the sheer stupidity of some women.

FASHION VERDICT : AURACOOL says 60 Hot lashes plus two weeks in our Fashion Jail where she'll be taught the basics of feminine dressing. Looking sexy is all about highlighting sensitive spots in a subtle way NEVER in an explicit style such as this so this pic gets my WORSE vote for the Week.

Fashion Digest By Auracool

                                      AURACOOL .Meet on Twitter @TweetOracle

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